Thursday, August 04, 2005

DNS servers--an Internet Achilles' heel | CNET

DNS servers--an Internet Achilles' heel | CNET "There are about 9 million DNS servers on the Internet, Kaminsky said. Using a high-bandwidth connection provided by Prolexic Technologies, he examined 2.5 million. Of those, 230,000 were identified as potentially vulnerable, 60,000 are very likely to be open to this specific type of attack, and 13,000 have a cache that can definitely be poisoned. "


At 8:29 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aloha M t the H, I'm in Hawaiian mood as I'm listening to Ki ho'alu music (If you've not heared this type of guitar music then you are in for a treat!) so I'm not really concentrating very hard but I came across ##TITlE## looking up gen on cheap web hosting package. Anything to do with cheap web hosting package I always look at, though I do have a tendency to wander about in blogs just reading generally.

At 1:31 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi M t the H, this is my last visit on the 'net for now - I'm tired. I found DNS servers--an Internet Achilles' heel | CNET by accident as I'm searching on cheap web hosting package but I got fed up with that and I've been roaming about just reading what takes my fancy. Good blog you have here, I enjoyed my visit. Have a great day and it's back to cheap web hosting package searches for me tomorrow.

At 1:39 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

G'day M t the H, what a great blog you have here, been entertained by the read. Just noticed that my bried time visiting blogs looking for ##Link## items has run into a couple of hours. Easily done when you get engrossed in what people write about. I should really use cold fusion hosting as a search term but then I might miss places such as DNS servers--an Internet Achilles' heel | CNET Besides which working all the time is boring.

At 2:32 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

G'day M t the H, what a great blog you have here, been entertained by the read. Just noticed that my brief time visiting blogs looking for frontpage hosting items has run into a couple of hours. Easily done when you get engrossed in what people write about. I should really use frontpage hosting as a search term but then I might miss places such as DNS servers--an Internet Achilles' heel | CNET Besides which working all the time is boring.

At 5:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi M t the H, oh dear, I'm getting square eyed here - must have been spending too much time reading blogs and cold fusion hosting information. I'm supposed to be looking for cold fusion hosting items but I find it all too easy just to click 'Next' and just see anything which is how I came to DNS servers--an Internet Achilles' heel | CNET Some blogs I just skip through but I spent a while here. Ciao.

At 2:10 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Dear M t the H,

There is a lot been said about making money online. But, let me tell you this. Money can be made online. Even if you own nothing at all.

I used to be fully homeless. Completely on the streets. I had lost everything due to my company going completely broke. Life on the streets is very tough, and one needs to learn quick. You learn to eat from dustbins and you learn that a dog is a man's best friend. In this period I had no other means of income than to try and get one online.

Why online? This is what happened when I went for help after loosing everything. It happened at the social security office: The lady behind the counter adviced me to go and rob a bank. This is what she said! She said I had more chance on getting some money robbing a bank. And then she went of for lunch. I knew I had to do something my self. I did not want to do anything illegal, so I started to think of what was possible.

I knew out of previous experiences that making money online was possible. This could save me! I then used the free Internet services from libraries etc to browse for something that could help me.

I actually found four programs that would suit me. But, there was a big but. They cost money. Believe me or not, but when you are homeless you have a lot of spare time. When you use this spare time wisely, you can actually get somewhere. Even when you are on the absolute bottom. I started to collect empty bottles. For the money that I earned returning them to the shops, I bought my first money making program. It took me a while but it started to make me money! To make a log story short, I used the money that I made with this program to invest in the other programs. The next month I was living in an appartment!

Now, 9 months later, I am making a steady $7,000.00 - $9,000.00 per month. The amazing part is, that most of my time I am not spending on working. (nor collecting bottles) My programs take only a few hours of my time per day. I work them in my own house, overlooking the river I once walked while I was homeless. I still walk past the river, now only to walk my little Jack Russle. He is my everything.

This is what happened to me in a short story. The main essence from the story is:

you can make serious money online when you want this.

If you are interested in the programs I use, I have posted them on my blog.

As I have told some more people of this, they tried it and it worked out the same for them. If a homeless man can do it, what is your excuse not to?

Please read my my blog to try the programs yourself. They all offer 100% money back.

Kindest regards,


At 7:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello M t the H, I've just been playing Serious Sam 2 before getting down to do some research into cold fusion hosting; on the whole I'd rather continue playing. First place I came to was DNS servers--an Internet Achilles' heel | CNET so I've been having a good time reading your blog. There are some ideas that I could maybe incorporate into cold fusion hosting to make it more useful. Thank you!

At 11:25 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

G'day M t the H, what a great blog you have here, been entertained by the read. Just noticed that my brief time visiting blogs looking for shared hosting plan items has run into a couple of hours. Easily done when you get engrossed in what people write about. I should really use shared hosting plan as a search term but then I might miss places such as DNS servers--an Internet Achilles' heel | CNET Besides which working all the time is boring.

At 3:04 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

G'day M t the H, what a great blog you have here, been entertained by the read. Just noticed that my brief time visiting blogs looking for imageshack hosting items has run into a couple of hours. Easily done when you get engrossed in what people write about. I should really use imageshack hosting as a search term but then I might miss places such as DNS servers--an Internet Achilles' heel | CNET Besides which working all the time is boring.

At 3:50 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aloha M t the H, I'm in Hawaiian mood as I'm listening to Ki ho'alu music (If you've not heared this type of guitar music then you are in for a treat!) so I'm not really concentrating very hard but I came across DNS servers--an Internet Achilles' heel | CNET looking up gen on frontpage web hosting. Anything to do with frontpage web hosting I always look at, though I do have a tendency to wander about in blogs just reading generally.

At 1:04 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greetings M t the H, I'm looking for information and chat about frontpage web hosting and came across your site. There are some views in DNS servers--an Internet Achilles' heel | CNET that I can take on board. I used frontpage web hosting as one of my search terms which is how I came to visit your site. Enjoyed the read, I'll make note to come back again.

At 2:50 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been on-line searching for hours for information regarding small business web hosting services and stumbled across your blog during my journey :-) M t the H your blog is really amazing! Keep up the great work. Obviously my search on small business web hosting services was way off when compared to DNS servers--an Internet Achilles' heel | CNET and find it funny how it landed me here. The internet is a funny thing. Anyways, great job on your blogging and keep up the good work! I been searching for small business web hosting services for over 2 hours and needed a break from it. I started reading your blog and really started getting into it.
P.S I will add you to my favorites so I can come back and visit later
P.S.S If you want to bookmark my site I am at small business web hosting services. You never know you may find some good deals!

At 12:49 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi M t the H I’ve been looking for News related blogs and I came across yours on DNS servers--an Internet Achilles' heel | CNET during my trawl, so I thought it would be polite to let you know about my visit. I have just recently started a daily news feed on my own site and you are most welcome to come and visit me at News. I would also be happy to trade links with you if you are interested. Bye for now and have a nice day! Roy

At 1:51 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well this blog certainly is not about net web hosting. What the heck! I guess the internet can play some tricks on us sometimes. I have been on-line for two hours
researching net web hosting and came tumbling across your blog. I LOVE IT! I needed a break from net web hosting anyways :-) If you don't mind I want to add your
blog to my favorites list so I can come back later on and read some more stuff. Well I guess I should get back to researching net web hosting.
Even though my search is not on DNS servers--an Internet Achilles' heel | CNET I am glad I came across your blog. Keep blogging away!

At 3:36 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey this blog is not about ftp web hosting. Silly internet bringing me here :-) Funny I have been doing hours of research on ftp web hosting and it brought me to your blog on DNS servers--an Internet Achilles' heel | CNET The web plays funny games sometimes. Anyways, I was reading your blog M t the H and I think it is really cool. Keep up the great work.
If you do not mind I will snag your blog and put it in my favorites. I read a ton of stuff on here that interested me. Keep blogging away :-)

At 1:24 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well this blog certainly is not about lowcost web hosting. What the heck! I guess the internet can play some tricks on us sometimes. I have been on-line for two hours
researching lowcost web hosting and came tumbling across your blog. I LOVE IT! I needed a break from lowcost web hosting anyways :-) If you don't mind I want to add your
blog to my favorites list so I can come back later on and read some more stuff. Well I guess I should get back to researching lowcost web hosting.
Even though my search is not on DNS servers--an Internet Achilles' heel | CNET I am glad I came across your blog. Keep blogging away!

At 12:23 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your blog M t the H. How long has it been on-line? Reason I ask is I am doing a ton of work in the area of net web hosting and will probably end up starting a blog of my own. Funny how the internet brought me here when I was doing searches on net web hosting. Oh well, I am glad it did. Keep up the great blogging and I am sure I will visit DNS servers--an Internet Achilles' heel | CNET again!!

At 1:26 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello M t the H, I've just been playing Serious Sam 2 before getting down to do some research into cheap web hosting package; on the whole I'd rather continue playing. First place I came to was DNS servers--an Internet Achilles' heel | CNET so I've been having a good time reading your blog. There are some ideas that I could maybe incorporate into cheap web hosting package to make it more useful. Thank you!

At 1:28 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What up M t the H! I just finished up a ten hour work day and decided to kick back and do some surfing. So I grabbed myself a drink and stumbled across your blog while doing some research on best web hosting company for a upcoming project I am doing. Well even though DNS servers--an Internet Achilles' heel | CNET isn’t what I was looking for I really enjoyed reading your blog. Your doing a great job and please keep up the good work. Lots of people do not keep their blogs up to date :0) There are some very interesting view points stated here. Anyways I am going to grab the bull by the horns and continue to plug away at best web hosting company. I have already bookmarked your blog. You many want to visit me at best web hosting company. You never know you might see something you like! Again great job.

At 1:34 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your blog M t the H. How long has it been on-line? Reason I ask is I am doing a ton of work in the area of lowcost web hosting and will probably end up starting a blog of my own. Funny how the internet brought me here when I was doing searches on lowcost web hosting. Oh well, I am glad it did. Keep up the great blogging and I am sure I will visit DNS servers--an Internet Achilles' heel | CNET again!!

At 1:20 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What up M t the H! I just finished up a ten hour work day and decided to kick back and do some surfing. So I grabbed myself a drink and stumbled across your blog while doing some research on lowcost web hosting for a upcoming project I am doing. Well even though DNS servers--an Internet Achilles' heel | CNET isn’t what I was looking for I really enjoyed reading your blog. Your doing a great job and please keep up the good work. Lots of people do not keep their blogs up to date :0) There are some very interesting view points stated here. Anyways I am going to grab the bull by the horns and continue to plug away at lowcost web hosting. I have already bookmarked your blog. You many want to visit me at lowcost web hosting. You never know you might see something you like! Again great job.

At 12:14 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi M t the H your blog is really great! Wow :-) As I was out blog surfing and surfing the web for detailed info on net web hosting I stumbled across your blog. Obviously my search landed me here and it is a little off subject compared to DNS servers--an Internet Achilles' heel | CNET, but I am certainly glad I did come across your blog. Did I already tell you I like it! If you would not mind, I would like to add your link to my "favorites" page to come back and read again sometime. Should you ever need it, there's lots of information on this site about net web hosting. Again, great blog and keep up the great work!

At 5:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi M t the H, this is my last visit on the 'net for now - I'm tired. I found DNS servers--an Internet Achilles' heel | CNET by accident as I'm searching on cheap web hosting package but I got fed up with that and I've been roaming about just reading what takes my fancy. Good blog you have here, I enjoyed my visit. Have a great day and it's back to cheap web hosting package searches for me tomorrow.

At 11:54 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been on-line searching for hours for information regarding net web hosting and stumbled across your blog during my journey :-) M t the H your blog is really amazing! Keep up the great work. Obviously my search on net web hosting was way off when compared to DNS servers--an Internet Achilles' heel | CNET and find it funny how it landed me here. The internet is a funny thing. Anyways, great job on your blogging and keep up the good work! I been searching for net web hosting for over 2 hours and needed a break from it. I started reading your blog and really started getting into it.
P.S I will add you to my favorites so I can come back and visit later
P.S.S If you want to bookmark my site I am at net web hosting. You never know you may find some good deals!

At 2:48 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What up M t the H! I just finished up a ten hour work day and decided to kick back and do some surfing. So I grabbed myself a drink and stumbled across your blog while doing some research on best web hosting company for a upcoming project I am doing. Well even though DNS servers--an Internet Achilles' heel | CNET isn’t what I was looking for I really enjoyed reading your blog. Your doing a great job and please keep up the good work. Lots of people do not keep their blogs up to date :0) There are some very interesting view points stated here. Anyways I am going to grab the bull by the horns and continue to plug away at best web hosting company. I have already bookmarked your blog. You many want to visit me at best web hosting company. You never know you might see something you like! Again great job.

At 5:31 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello M t the H, I've just been playing Serious Sam 2 before getting down to do some research into shared hosting plan; on the whole I'd rather continue playing. First place I came to was DNS servers--an Internet Achilles' heel | CNET so I've been having a good time reading your blog. There are some ideas that I could maybe incorporate into shared hosting plan to make it more useful. Thank you!

At 12:49 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been on-line searching for hours for information regarding small business web hosting services and stumbled across your blog during my journey :-) M t the H your blog is really amazing! Keep up the great work. Obviously my search on small business web hosting services was way off when compared to DNS servers--an Internet Achilles' heel | CNET and find it funny how it landed me here. The internet is a funny thing. Anyways, great job on your blogging and keep up the good work! I been searching for small business web hosting services for over 2 hours and needed a break from it. I started reading your blog and really started getting into it.
P.S I will add you to my favorites so I can come back and visit later
P.S.S If you want to bookmark my site I am at small business web hosting services. You never know you may find some good deals!

At 1:02 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi M t the H, oh dear, I'm getting square eyed here - must have been spending too much time reading blogs and frontpage hosting information. I'm supposed to be looking for frontpage hosting items but I find it all too easy just to click 'Next' and just see anything which is how I came to DNS servers--an Internet Achilles' heel | CNET Some blogs I just skip through but I spent a while here. Ciao.

At 9:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi M t the H, oh dear, I'm getting square eyed here - must have been spending too much time reading blogs and cheap web hosting package information. I'm supposed to be looking for cheap web hosting package items but I find it all too easy just to click 'Next' and just see anything which is how I came to DNS servers--an Internet Achilles' heel | CNET Some blogs I just skip through but I spent a while here. Ciao.

At 11:40 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your blog M t the H. How long has it been on-line? Reason I ask is I am doing a ton of work in the area of web hosting company for small business and will probably end up starting a blog of my own. Funny how the internet brought me here when I was doing searches on web hosting company for small business. Oh well, I am glad it did. Keep up the great blogging and I am sure I will visit DNS servers--an Internet Achilles' heel | CNET again!!

At 9:47 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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