Friday, January 28, 2005

The MAD-DEN Index :: Home of the home page search - UPDATE

The MAD-DEN Index :: Home of the home page search - UPDATE: "We aim to provide the most useful site on the web. Indexing as many home pages and any other useful or interesting sites as is humanly possible."

Mad-den Index has not seen the greatest ammount of change these last three months and in a world where a day is an age in itself that must seem like eons. Rest assured we have not gone but a lot of work is being done at the end of which we will have stunning new code to work with and a user area and lots of stuff that never made it to versions 1, 2 or 3 of our system. To make matters worse a lot of development time has been crossed over into Mad-Den UK and the new on-line game we have been developing. This has ment a few things have gotten slow and that is simply the limit of not enough coders.
You can be certain that this year will be a good year to be a webset.